You're not alone.
Help is available for you.

Sexual assault is a pervasive problem, and over half of women and one in three men experience some sort of sexual violence in their lifetime according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Despite its prevalence, it’s hard to quantify due to a lack of reliable and comprehensive sources of sexual assault data.

The people and organizations we serve.

The SAFE Center concept – free-standing sexual assault clinics with wrap-around care – is not unique. This model has proven to be successful and has led to dramatically improved patient and public health outcomes in other states. We have relationships with organizations outside of Iowa that are already delivering services through a similar model, and these organizations are providing mentorship and best practices to shorten SAFE Center’s learning curve.

Victims of Sexual Assault

We’re here to support and care for all victims of sexual assault, no matter the severity. We’re dedicated to offering immediate and continued care to all, free of charge.

Medical Professionals

Our goal is to help meet the demand for SANE certified nurses and provide easily accessible training courses for medical professionals across the state of Iowa.

Law Enforcement & Military

SAFE Center will also provide specialized training to audiences that frequently encounter people most likely to be at risk for sexual assault (such as bartenders, college staff, or the military).

Advocates, ready to listen.

Your story is important to us. Every person’s experience with sexual assault is different, and we understand that. Your care shouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all approach, and we aim to take the time to offer you the best care and mental health resources in Iowa.

Legal assistance, always ready.

We have tools and resources at the ready to help you through the legal process. From pressing charges, to continued legal representation, we’ll guide you every step of the way.

Programs and services we plan to offer.

SAFE Center will establish the only free-standing sexual assault clinics in the state, with its first location serving the Des Moines metro. Each regional clinic will be staffed by dedicated SANE Nurses and provide access to a wide variety of wrap-around services, such as infectious disease prevention and treatment, sexual assault advocacy, counseling services, law enforcement support, and legal system navigation.


We’ll start with a primary SAFE Center clinic in the Des Moines Metro. But we plan to expand to have SAFE Centers in every corner of Iowa. Our goal is to offer immediate care to victims, with the option of follow-up appointment


Our SAFE Centers will include optional mental health resources and continued, wrap-around care for all victims. Your story matters to us, and we’ll never pressure you to make choices about your care.


SAFE Center will become the trusted source of accurate sexual assault reporting for the state. This data will allow us to advocate for legislative policies that reduce assaults, improve client service, and positively impact survivor outcomes.


We are home to Iowa’s only SANE Nurse training program, and our goal is to increase SANE Nurse capacity and education to meet statewide demand.

Our trained professionals are ready to help.

Reach out to our team with questions or concerns. We’ll be happy to help you learn more about the SAFE Center of Iowa, and how we help our communities.

We have the resources to help you.

The SAFE Center of Iowa provides useful information and resources to better educate victims of sexual assault, advocates, and medical and law enforcement professionals.

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