Training, technical assistance, and education resources.

The SAFE Center has collaborated with organizations and departments across the state of Iowa to bring high-level training and education services to sexual assault examiners and response teams..

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Online Courses for Professionals

One of the SAFE Center’s main objectives is training the next generation of SANE Nurses, medical staff, and law enforcement professionals. We offer training courses right here on our website for you to earn your certifications from the comfort of your own home.

Technical Assistance, Education, & Prevention

SAFE Center provides program management for the Regional Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) program in Iowa and offers statewide technical assistance and consulting to any organization who needs to become better informed about sexual assault client care and practices.

SART (Sexual Assault Response Teams)

SAFE Center facilitates multidisciplinary Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs) and coordinates peer reviews (also called critical incident reviews) to debrief on specific sexual assault cases. SAFE Center’s leadership performs expert case reviews and testifies as an expert witness at trials.

Community Advisory Groups

SAFE Center identifies target populations – including rural, marginalized, and underserved communities – and creates community advisory groups to set goals around unique community needs to create community specific and culturally appropriate protocols for services. SAFE Center also identifies groups such as high schools and colleges, bartenders, law enforcement, or the military for targeted ‘train the trainer’ outreach programming due to their proximity to populations at higher risk for sexual assault.

Public Education & Advocacy

SAFE Center offers public education using website toolkits and resources. SAFE Center’s board and leadership also identifies legislative advocacy priorities and advocates for policies and legislation related to the reduction of sexual assault in Iowa and improvement of care and treatment for sexual assault survivors.

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